Shooting for the Stars

Students will explore the characteristics of the main constellations and their position in the night sky. They will explore the rotation and tilt of the Earth to identify what causes day and night and the seasons. They will examine the Moon to discover why it appears to change shapes and learned about the order and name of its phases. Students will evaluate the size and distance of the planets within the Solar System to the Sun.

Rocks, Minerals, Fossils, Oh My!

Students will understand the formation and types of fossils. They will understand the differences and similarities between rocks and minerals. Students will describe how the three types of rocks are formed. Students will observe the basic attributes/properties of rocks and minerals. Students will explore the effects of weathering and erosion of soil and rocks overtime, and attributes/properties of soils. Students will complete observations using their senses and scientific tools of fossils, rocks, minerals, and soils.